Research Stained ConcreteCost, maintenance and more
Common Questions
- How do stains work
- Comparing stained concrete to other flooring material
- Is a stained concrete floor right for me?
- Removing an existing covering
- Stained concrete cost
- Staining exterior concrete Design Options
- Color charts
- Tips for choosing the right stain color
- Creating special effects
- Using stencils to create custom designs
- Using concrete overlays
- Cool concrete stain projects Benefits of Stained Concrete
- Customizable look
- Durability
- Eco-friendly
- Reduces allergens Maintenance
- How to protect stained concrete
- Cleaning stained concrete
Stains Allow You to Customize Concrete
Staining Concrete Offers Design Versatility
Length - 02:29
Learn the various ways you can personalize concrete floors with stains.
With a little creativity and the use of different application techniques, stained concrete becomes a form of personal expression, allowing you to achieve a look that's distinctly your own. Even when treated with the same staining product in the same shade, no two concrete floors, countertops, or outdoor surfaces will look alike due to factors such as the composition and age of the concrete and surface porosity. It's this variability, rather than uniformity, that gives stained concrete its broad appeal.
Other benefits of stained concrete:

Photo: Concretizen